There is an interesting idea floating about the net today on whether or not the Seattle Seahawks should take a chance on embattled QB Vince Young.
The question was originally posed by a reader on and NFC West blogger Mike Sando fielded it. Sando thinks Young is a bit of a risk because of his personality but that he will come at a value as far as cost goes. He also says Young might be worth a look simply because the Seahawks QB situation is…well…not so good.
Personally, I hate the idea of bringing in Young. While Whitehurst is the only QB currently on the roster, I just don’t see Young coming in and making any sort of difference. He is a known drama magnet and the Seahawks have enough problems without turning the keys to their football team over to an unstable, emotional QB with a history of meltdowns.
If the Seahawks don’t think they can make a trade for say, a Kevin Kolb, then I think they should do everything they can to re-sign Matt Hasselbeck to a short-term deal and continue trying to develop Whitehurst, futile as that may be.
What other option is there? Do you think the Seahawks should go after Vince Young?