Seattle Seahawks Draft: Potential 2nd Round Targets

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Trying to figure out the Seahawks draft plans is like trying to make a living at the blackjack tables; even the professionals get it wrong most of the time.  It gets even trickier when they lack a first round pick, as they have the last three drafts after dealing them away.  But now five years into the Pete Carroll/John Schneider regime, there are some things we know about their modus operandi:

  • They like and target specific skill sets and personality types – valuing speed and a history of overcoming adversity in their lives or careers.
  • They view free agency and the draft as intertwined.  In essence, they take the strengths and weaknesses of the free agent class and overlay it on the draft board to see where the two match up, or don’t.  Then, based on where their picks fall, they look for gaps or “clumps” of players they like and try to determine the likelihood those players will be there when they are on the clock.
  • They don’t give a damn about what other teams, fans or draft experts think about who they pick and when they pick them, and aren’t afraid to “reach” for a player if they think he isn’t going to make it to their next draft slot.
  • They don’t necessarily look at a players potential to contribute immediately on the field.  They believe in their ability to develop players and view building through the draft as a long term roster-building tool.

With all of that in mind, let’s take a look at who might be available, and might be a fit, when the Seahawks are on the clock with their second round pick, #63 in the draft.

Next: The Big Guys
