Predicting the Seahawks second half; game by game

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WEEK 16: Home vs. Rams

Ugh, the Rams. They’ve always played us tough, even at home. Now they have Todd Gurley.

I still say this game will be too big for the Seahawks to lose, and just a little bit bigger than the young Rams are ready for. Plus, I foresee a big game from Marshawn Lynch. Seattle will want to send a message about how that first matchup SHOULD have gone. Seattle wins 19 – 13 (11-4)

WEEK 17: At Arizona

Obviously there are a ton of factors that play into how this game could go, which makes it so difficult (and fun as hell) to try and predict these things out so far in advance. While the Seahawks had a very difficult schedule in the first half, followed by an easier go of it after mid-season…. the Cardinals are facing just the opposite. Still remaining on their schedule? Cincy, Minnesota, Green Bay, the Eagles in Philly, and the Rams in St. Louis. Will this game be for the division, or will the Cards be battling for their wild card playoff lives? It could play a big factor.

Regardless, I think there’s a good chance this game is huge for the Cardinals playoff hopes.  Arizona wins 23 – 17 


Under this scenario the Seahawks finish 11-5. They probably win the division, with Arizona and St. Louis battling like crazy for the last wild card spot. Is predicting a 7-1 finish too optimistic? Perhaps, but as bad as the first half felt at times consider this, the four teams that beat the Seahawks are a combined 26-6 and two of them are still undefeated (Carolina and Cincinnati). And the average margin of defeat in those four losses? Five points.

The Seahawks are a good team, probably a very good team. They played one of the toughest schedules in the league over the first eight games, and for the most part they played poorly. They showed signs over the last couple weeks of looking like the squad that’s represented the NFC in the last two Super Bowls.

Perhaps 11-5 is even a bit too……. pessimistic?