Seahawks fans believe Browner and Clemons will make roster


Seattle Seahawks fans believe that Brandon Browner and Chris Clemons are not just in Seattle for the short term, but will make it to the 53 man roster.

In this week’s Twitter of the Twelves poll, Seattle fans were asked about the return of CB Brandon Browner and DE Chris Clemons. Would either or both of the returned prodigal sons make it to the final 53-man roster?

Most fans were thrilled with the return of Browner and Clemons. Both members of the Super Bowl winning team, it was almost as if Pete Carroll and John Schneider were “getting the band back together”. However with the youth on the team, some questioned whether or not the vets could make it to the final cut. As you can see, the vote was quite close between both players making the cut and Browner being the sole survivor.

Browner played corner for Seattle, but when he played for the Patriots they would on occasion have him line up as safety to play against tight ends. As most know, the Seahawks had a bit of a problem with tight ends across the middle last year. If he excels, the new position could easily keep Browner in the mix for the entire season.

She has a good point. Seattle fans are very sentimental. Even when a player moves on from the team, Seahawks fans often will still cheer for that player, especially when that player helped win Seattle’s only Super Bowl. That sentimentality could have played a part in this week’s vote.

Both Dan and David mentioned Chris Clemons skipping OTAs. This rubbed many Seahawks fans the wrong way. It seems to have irritated his coach a bit too. In regards to Clem skipping OTAs, Carroll said “he really knows the meaning of voluntary.” Not exactly a great start to Clemon’s return to Seattle. However I have a tendency to agree with TJ’s tweet at the beginning of the article. You can never have enough depth at pass rush.

Only time will tell if these vets can compete with the newer, younger players for their position. I believe they will and secure a place on the team.

Next: What will happen to Christine Michael now?

Next week, Twitter of the Twelves will look at which Seahawks defensive lineman will cause the most havoc for quarterbacks in the 2016 season.