All the talk about “The Big One” hitting the PNW has me diving under a table every time a big truck drives by. Or every time my upstairs neighbors walk around with heavy heels. I think I’m actually going to go all the way. I’m gonna do the whole preparedness kit for the apartment and one for the car. It’s the smart thing to do and and I like to see myself as a somewhat smart person. Besides I’m also lazy. And there must be less effort in assembling a kit that I have on hand then in scrambling for food and drinking water if/when the dung strikes the fan. How prepared are you?
The more immediate question is: how prepared are you for this weekend?
I think we can all agree that Seattle-ites love efficiency. Imagine how efficient it would be to get a whole week’s worth of calories in one shot. Well, here’s your chance. In honor of National Doughnut Day (this is real) Top Pot Doughnuts is hosting a doughnut eating contest. Imagine the efficiency (and deliciousness)! This will be taking place at their downtown location Friday from 3-4 pm. If you are a really big eater, you should go in there and bankrupt them.
Speaking of efficiency, you could probably get a week’s worth of abs done (because of laughing) at “Laugh Off”, a comedy competition hosted by Laugh’s Comedy Club in the U-District. The first round will be held Friday and Saturday and will feature the first 15 comedians. The top five from this week will go on to compete against another 15 comedians next weekend for $1000 and bragging rights. Check out their calendar for a list of the comics and details about the venue.
Neighborhood farmers markets!
If you’ve been missing your neighborhood farmers market because of seasonal closures, worry no longer. Many are opening starting Friday. Pull up Google, enter your neighborhood farmers market and find out if your’s is one that will be opening up Friday!
I’m going to be out of town this weekend. If I were anywhere near Seattle, I’d be going to the 10th Annual HONK! Fest West. This is an all-ages four-day festival for lovers of brass, woodwinds and percussion. I played baritone horn between the ages of 10-17 and always loved the ring of a brass instrument. The festival kicks off Thursday night (doors at 8) at Hale’s Paladium in Ballard and continues in several locations through the weekend. You’re likely to find everything from Dixieland jazz to John Philip Sousa-esque parade bands to Mexican Banda music to straight-up funk/fusion. Check out the festival’s website for a complete lineup of bands and locations.
Do you catch your cat looking longingly out the window and probably dreaming of a day when he/she/it gets to venture out into the great wide-open? Saturday at Cal Anderson Park from 1:30-4:30 is “First Caturday”. Whiskers has a chance to get out and get some fresh air and socialize with all the other neighborhood cats he/she/it probably smells all the time but never gets to see. Harnesses or leashes are strongly encouraged. Maybe don’t bring Fluffy out if he/she/it is riddled with anxiety and likely to claw the face of another cat or human.
And finally, are you a dude with a long gray ponytail, one ear ring and a tie-dyed shirt on right now? You’re a likely candidate to find enjoyment at the Yardbirds performance Sunday evening at the Triple Door. Come check out these living contemporaries of the Rolling Stones as they rock like they-know-how. They will play the hits you jammed out to in your ’63 Barracuda. You probably had the Yardbirds on full blast as you filled your gas tank with ten-cent-per-gallon gas. If you did, you should probably check out the show. Tickets are $45/$55 and there are two shows Sunday, 6 and 9 pm.