Black Monday Coach/GM Carousel


It’s the Monday after the last day of the NFL regular season. Today is the day when numerous coaches and GM become unemployed, and this is no exception. The Seahawks stand to lose a couple position coaches who might be given a chance at a coordinator job. O-line and Assistant Head Coach Tom Cable will be considered as a HC candidate in a few places as well.

I also expect Defensive coordinator Gus Bradley to be given a shot at a head coaching job eventually, but not yet. He might be given an interview, but I doubt it. It’s about 2 years too early for him, though I do expect him to be given the chance if he wants it.

He’s what has happened so far:

  • Tampa Bay fired Raheem Morris and his entire coaching staff.

Morris was a DB coach, and not a DC before being hired by Tampa, so I expect him to go back to that roll somewhere or be given a shot at a college job. If the Pat’s OC says no to Penn St, Morris’s name will likely come up. Tampa always goes cheap, so expect a coordinator no one is talking about to get their HC job.

  • Lt. Louis fired HC Steve Spagnuolo and GM Bill Devaney. 

Spags will be a highly paid defensive coordinator soon. I expect him to land in Phily. The Rams have been tied to Jeff Fisher for what seems like forever (it’s been less than a month) so I’d be shocked if he ended up elsewhere.

  • Indianapolis has fired both Polians, who were VP and GM. HC Jim Caldwell is sure to follow shortly.

This is going to have a huge impact on the Peyton Manning situation. Almost certainly Andrew Luck is the #1 overall pick here. It’s really tough to figure who’s going to be considered here, but Indy isn’t going to go cheap, nor are they going to go with a “tough guy” like Cable.

  • Jacksonville, Miami and Kansas City all fired their coaches earlier this season.

Jacksonville has inquired about talking to a number of current OCs, but Falcon’s OC Mike Mularky appears to be a done deal already. I expect him to be named the Falcons HC early next week if the Falcons lose this weekend.

KC will give Romeo Crennel, the interim coach, strongly consideration for their HC job. I’d be surprised if he doesn’t stay.

Miami will likely pick someone from the Bill Parcells coaching tree, or a retread like Norv Turner.

  • The Charger were expected to fire AJ Smith and Norv Turner, but now it appears they will be given 1 more year.

I’ll update this with more more info as it happens, and with analysis as I have time.