The controversy surrounding Monday night’s game will never be resolved. There is nothi..."/> The controversy surrounding Monday night’s game will never be resolved. There is nothi..."/>

Getting The Seahawks Game Right


The controversy surrounding Monday night’s game will never be resolved. There is nothing any reporter can say that will sway an opinion or fail to insult someone. Nevertheless, It is with great effort that I attempt to insult the fewest amount of people with my observations.

  1. The officiating was dreadful throughout the game and on both sides of the ball. There were fouls that weren’t called which should have been. I don’t know if they showed it on TV but at one point, the refs called a defensive foul on the Seahawks, who happened to have the ball at the time. They huddled up and corrected the call, but the results are the same…The refs are clearly “out of their league” and we need to see the real refs back on the field.
  2. There is an undercurrent of insubordination on the field. It’s not just all the “extra-curricular activity” that happens between plays but all the nonsense that occurs throughout the play. The replacement refs are failing to make crucial calls and players are executing with less finesse. Frankly, they know there’s a good chance they’re not going to get called and they’re taking advantage. I saw at least 3 facemask instances Monday that were never called. Holding during a number of the Rodgers sacks were never called.
  3. The same thing is happening on the sidelines. From less impactful glitches like Pete getting 4 timeouts, to a certain 49ers coach that got multiple challenges he wasn’t entitled to. I won’t speculate on whether these are honest mistakes, or whether players and coaches alike are purposefully taking advantage because they know the refs don’t know. Either way, control is shifting away from the officials and that is what is leading to the chaos of games like Monday night.
  4. The emotion attached to the last call of the game isn’t just what happened in the end-zone, but a product of 3 weeks of chaos building to this crescendo. When the refs lose control, as these have, there is no inherent respect for their opinion when it is most needed. When was the last time (other than Super Bowl 40) when any substantial fan base called for a reversal of the win.

Without going any further into the chaos, I would like to state two additional observations.

  1. Our defense is fearsome! They are all that and a Costco size bag of chips! Props to them for total domination of the GB O-line in the first half.
  2. Our offense needs to poop or get off the pot. If Wilson’s your guy, you’re going to have to let him throw more. Even if he gets sacked occasionally or picked off. Running play after running play isn’t cutting it. Quit being so damn careful. And Wilson needs to stay in the pocket a little more. I’m glad he can scramble, but when there are open receivers down-field, and he scrambles instead of staying in the pocket and throwing and maybe taking a hit, we’re losing offensive opportunity.

Finally, I’m more of an emotional fan that a statistical fan. I agree with Steve Sabol: Life is good. Football is better. At every game, I think how lucky I am to have a team I love so much. Even with this officiating glitch, I still love the game. I think some media and fans are forgetting how great the game is by making themselves miserable over one catch. It’s time to unclench and move forward.