NFL Power Rankings Roundup; Hawks Hold Steady


Not a lot of movement for the Seahawks in this week’s slate of NFL Power Rankings. Escaping with a narrow win against a winless Detroit game was enough for them to slip in some polls and slide up a notch in others. Next week’s polls are sure to reflect more significant movement, particularly if Seattle can win. Cincinnati consistently ranked in the top 3 in this weeks rankings.

More from Seattle Seahawks News

Here we go….

Keith Myers – Hawks #8 (last week 7th)

Were you aware that Keith thinks the offensive line is garbage? If not, this is clearly your first visit to our site. Welcome!

"“The group is easily the worst unit in the NFL, and it is holding the rest of the team back.”"

ESPN (DPI rankings): Hawks #7 (last week 7th)

"“The Seahawks have won their past two, but something is still off.”"

Dan Schneier – Hawks #9 (last week 8th)

"“…if the offensive line can’t fix the pass protection and run blocking, the Seahawks will remain a step below the NFL’s elite tier of teams.”"

Elliott Harrison – Hawks #8 (last week 8th)

Harrison raves about the Seahawks defense, especially since Kam Chancellor’s return, but then there’s this…..

"“I don’t want to tip you off the deep end, Seahawks fans, but this Darrell Bevell offense struggles so much that it might be too much for even a top-flight defense to overcome.”"

USA TODAY: Hawks #6 (last week 7th)

Seattle’s highest ranking of the week.

Pete Prisco – Hawks #8 (last week 10th)

Infamous Seahawk basher Prisco gives the D high marks like everyone else, but has to throw in this:

"“Seattle got away with one Monday might, thanks to the officials.”"

Frank Schwab – Yahoo Shutdown Corner: Hawks #7 (last week 6th)

"“They probably deserve to be moved down more. But look at the teams above them … how many would you truly pick on a neutral field against the Seahawks?”"

Next: NFC West Roundup

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