Pete Carroll might be the perfect fit for this recently opened position

Carroll would not even need to move from Seattle.

Alika Jenner/GettyImages

Pete Carroll is still employed by the Seattle Seahawks, though one might not know it anymore. He still feels some kind of advisory position with the team, though exactly what that entails is anyone's guess. Still, most 12s will always root for Carroll to succeed in almost anything he does, unless, of course, he ends up as the head coach of the San Francisco 49ers, Los Angeles Rams, or Arizona Cardinals.

One reason Carroll is normally well-liked is because he always permeated so much positivity. This did not seem fake, either. Marshawn Lynch recently said on an episode of SmartLess that no matter when he was in the Seahawks buildings - 3 am or 3 pm - Carroll always had the same attitude. While some find that constant kind of thinking annoying, at least with Carroll, one knew what they were going to get.

That kind of viewpoint is good for getting people to buy into what you are trying to sell them as well. For the most part, Carroll's Seahawks teams held together with Carroll's team-first mantra. Sure, there were times when the locker room seemed to be coming apart a bit, such as Jamal Adams leaving his teammates ahead of Week 15 this past season, but usually the players bought in and so did the fans.

Pete Carroll leaving the Seahawks for the University of Washington would be perfect

Pete Carroll had that same mentality when he coached the University of Southern California football team during the 2000s. He was a divisive figure in college athletics because he won at a high level and there were some things with the program that might have crossed the line. But nothing Carroll did would have gotten him suspended. He was good for the college environment and a new position opened that Carroll should feel.

The University of Washington lost its Athletic Director this week as Troy Dannen (who wasn't with the Huskies very long) resigned to take the same position at Nebraska. An AD needs to be able to mingle with people and raise funds and is more about that than being hands-on when it comes to how the women's softball team is run, for instance. It's all about money and Pete Carroll can very likely bring in a lot of money.

Plus, Carroll's son, Brennan, is now the offensive coordinator for the Washington Huskies football team. Carroll often talked about his family and what it meant to have them around. If Carroll were to become the AD for Washington, he would work for the same school as his eldest child. Pete Carroll working for U-Dub simply makes too much sense.

And while Carroll may no longer be attached to the Seahawks, there is something nice about him still being in Seattle. Plus, he would be perfect as an AD.

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