Seattle Seahawks: 5 more pressing questions on the lips of the 12s

  • Is Geno Smith ready for the rest of 2023?
  • How good is Seattle's defense?
  • Biggest surprises besides Bobo
Steven Bisig-USA TODAY Sports
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At 6-3, the Seattle Seahawks are in good shape at mid-season. Or are they? We have more than a few questions about what's brought them this far, and how much further they can go. We'll review what's happened so far, make some semi-educated guesses at what's in store over the next eight games, and take a sneak at 2024.

The Seahawks have looked unstoppable at times this season. Unfortunately for those 12s with heart conditions, those times are never within one game. They may open fast as they did against the Browns and throw 17 on the scoreboard in the first quarter. Or they may score a pair of touchdowns in the fourth, as they did versus the Lions. It's all those dead times in between that have their fans reaching for the antacids.

So what are the answers? To figure that out, we need to decide exactly what we're asking. We've already discussed some pressing issues with an eye toward 2024. This time, let's focus a bit more on what's happened so far, and how the rest of this season may play out.

Is the Seattle Seahawks defense good, bad, or...?

Has the defense regressed, or did they only look that good against the Giants, the Bengals before Joe Burrow got right, and the Cards?

I think the defense is still who we thought they were. In 2022, the defense had a good run too…for four games between Weeks 6 and 9. Oddly, those games included the Giants and Cardinals as well. I do think overall the defense is better than in 2022. They allow 5.2 yards per play in 2023 – tied for 14th in the league – and last year was 5.5, 20th in the NFL. Last year they were 25th in points allowed per game (23.6) and this year they are 20th at 22.3.

So they aren’t great, of course, but they do seem somewhat better. There is no question they have some very talented players as well, such as Devon Witherspoon and Bobby Wagner. But communication is still an issue at times. Add to that Quandre Diggs is not playing anywhere near the level he was the last few years and the defense is still underperforming.