You wanted the best Seattle Seahawks podcast, you got the best Seahawks podcast! I am not sure which one that is, but at least you found it! And you found us too! Thank you!
So while you are here, why not sit a spell and listen to the soothing sounds of our voices discuss what happened with Seattle in Week 3 when they defeated the Carolina Panthers? We also talk about what we think will happen in Week against the New York Giants.
We also discuss how good Geno Smith really is. Based on the first three weeks, is Smith a top-five NFL quarterback? Heck, is he even in the top-three of the NFC West?
Seattle Seahawks podcast: A win in Week 2 feels pretty good!
We also have a little segment known as the Rob Gordons where we name our top five on whatever that week's subject might be. This week we discuss which movies still to be released this year we most want to see. (But first, we need to run and see which movies are still coming out.)
Who are our Week 3 MVPs for the Seattle Seahawks? Who didn't do as well as hoped? Is Seattle still a potential playoff team? Tune in to find out. (And we thank you in advance for listening.)
The 12th Man Rising podcast always has you covered on what's new (and old?) in the Seahawks shire, we think we think. But what is thought? I guess that question would be better left to people who actually think well and on a different podcast. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to be the first to read/hear/wax on/wax off the news about future episodes. Then you can also share that information with everyone you have ever known.