3 Seattle Seahawks we'd love to share Thanksgiving with

These people would be great guests during your Thanksgiving meal.
Dylan Buell/GettyImages
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Thanksgiving is almost upon us and 2023 is a bit different for 12s than other seasons. That is because the Seattle Seahawks play on Thanksgiving night against the San Francisco 49ers in a battle for the lead in the NFC West. Let's just hope a Seahawks win or loss doesn't make or break your Thanksgiving.

But if you were looking to have a member or former member of the Seattle football organization over for your Thanksgiving meal, who might you want? There is no wrong answer, of course. Most any Seahawk would be a welcome guest.

I have three options below and why I have included them. The last person is likely obvious. But the other two would be excellent as well.

Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll

How fun would it be for Pete Carroll to have a seat at the Thanksgiving table? His positivity would keep at bay all those classic family squabbles. How can people argue with Carroll around, unless they are arguing about the coaching of Pete Carrol himself? (People have the right to debate how good a certain coach is, but they shouldn't assume they know more than the coach and Pete Carroll, specifically, has been pretty successful since coming to Seattle in 2010.)

Carroll could talk about decades of coaching experience and life experience and how he came to have so much overt positivity. Plus, maybe he will slip how he sees the future of the team and what changes he thinks will occur over the next couple of years. "Tell us, Coach Carroll, who do you see as QB1 in Week 1 of 2025?"

The other part about Carroll being a guest on Thanksgiving is one might have to be creative in what they serve. He is unlikely to stay long because he has to get back to getting ready for the next game. Plus, just think of all the gum-flavored foods one has to make. Gum-flavored turkey, gum-flavored stuffing...The gum-flavored cranberry relish might be easy.