NFL Draft scouting – with kittens!

"Plagued by lapses in concentration"
"Plagued by lapses in concentration"

A collection of NFL Draft Scouting lingo, poorly illustrated with kitten gifs. Because everything is better when poorly illustrated with kitten gifs.

We are just over a week away from the NFL Draft, and I’m starting to stir crazy as I wait. I’ve watched so much film, read so many scouting reports, and compared so many players that I’m starting to use scouting jargon in my every life.

Early today, when looking for a gif on twitter for some reason I cannot remember, I ran into this one. Sadly, my brain went straight into player evaluation mode

That led to a terrible, and yet awesome, idea. Below are quotes from actual scouting reports I’ve read recently. Each is poorly illustrated with a gif of a kitten. You have to excuse the fact that they are all attached to a tweet. Imagine licensing and all, it was the only way to make this possible.

Not everything can improve with coaching, but this is one I think we can work with:

The lack of effort here is staggering.

When you single out offensive linemen and watch how they move, it is kinda like this.

I’m not sure this is what they meant, but whatever…

This one might not be a direct quote from a scouting report. Still awesome though.

No jokes here, this next one is damn impressive.

I’d like to think this cat’s name is Michael Bennett.

Long Limbs are nice, but his form needs work.

Literally even…

He’s almost like Shaun Alexander in that final year.

More of a straight-line athlete unfortunately.

I bet he’s great in coverage.

A natural between-the-tackles RB.

Should read “against the run”

It is what made the Seahawks like Jordan Hill so much.

This next one feels like it should have been for Cary “Cat” Williams.

These next are obviously on opposite ends of the spectrum.

Revis Island looks different than I remember.

Tom Cable would like the next one. The one after… not so much.

And finally, my favorite. This cat has some crazy skills!

I don’t know about you, but I found this to be an incredible learning experience. (Not really, but at least it was fun.)
