Scott Collier
Joined: Jul 16, 2012
Hi Hawks fans! If a person is the summation of all his or her past experiences and for no particular reason I was inclined to visualize that, I guess I'd say I'm the human embodiment of a gigantic garage sale, the kind with dozens of cars parked all up and down the street. In it you'd find the old record collection (yes... VINYL records) of everything from "Meet the Beatles" to Joe Satriani's "Surfing with the Alien" in a box over in the shade. There's the old weight lifting set out front, the home built Kayak hanging in the rafters (not for sale), an assortment of dog bowls and cages on the grass, the kids old stuffed toys and outgrown clothes, boxes of dusty college books from my days at Central Washington that even predate Jon Kitna. You'd see my old Coast Guard uniforms proudly hanging, and countless guitars, amps, and beer soaked effects boxes, and the obligatory motorcycle helmets and jackets. There'd be several T-Shirts of some of my old rock bands on a table, an outboard motor and a small forest of fishing poles up by the door. What you wouldn't find are ANY of my old Seahawks shirts or hats. Those were worn out long ago and the new stuff is in the closet waiting for Sundays. I've been a loyal fan of the Seahawks since they were worried what would happen when construction workers pulled the center support out from under the brand new Kingdome roof. I've seen every player who ever played for Seattle, and remember most of their greatest moments. Like many fans, I feel a personal bond with the Seahawks and their players not because they are the football team where I happen to live. It's because we've grown up and shared some great times together. There's eternal optimism that the next great Seahawks team is right around the corner. I'll be here to write about it with you and I hope you'll enjoy hearing my perspective.